Admin Controller Jobs at BMG

Admin Controller – V3289
Closing Date: 31 March 2023

Roles & Responsibilities:
▪ Validity, accuracy and completeness of financial information
▪ Ensure period end and deadlines are met
▪ Ensure adherence to internal controls i.e. Approvals; Framework; Stock
▪ Reconcile Imprest creditors accounts.
▪ Registering and verifying of supplier invoices and allocation of payments
▪ Solve outstanding Imprest queries.
▪ Filing and retrieve administrative documents
▪ To forward information to respective credit controllers
▪ To handle branch calls wrt administration
▪ Processing of purchase orders on KERRIDGE
▪ Provide information to the internal auditors
▪ Filing of Metro File index on request relevant to orders

Minimum Requirements:
▪ Matric
▪ Minimum 2 years administrative experience
▪ K8 experience

All internal applicants are required to complete an IVAF form signed off by line manager prior to submitting application.

Closing date for applications – 31 March 2023.
If you have not received notification regarding your application within 2 weeks, please accept that your application was

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